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Tony Newman, head of motor claims

Liverpool Car Park Fire - Allianz update

An update from Allianz's head of motor claims, Tony Newman, following the Liverpool Car Park Fire:
“This was an unprecedented event affecting in the region of 1,400 motorists. Cars were not accessible and owners were left in a difficult situation.
We are committed to putting our customers first and given the nature of the event, we have agreed to waive any impact on customers no claims dis

Tony Newman, Head of Motor Claims at Allianz

Allianz secures finding of dishonesty against claimant law firm

A claimant law firm, GSD Law Limited, submitted a number of informal claims totalling £225,000 for legal costs to Allianz following the settlement of a number of low value injury claims. The costs were considered excessive and challenged.

Dave Gill, head of operations

Allianz appoints new head of operations

Allianz Insurance has appointed Dave Gill to the role of head of operations. In this role Dave will take responsibility for leading all speciality operations for business lines including corporate partner pet, Petplan and Allianz Musical Instruments.

SME underinsurance

SMEs are a key part of the UK's economic landscape, racking up an annual turnover of £1.8 trillion in 2016 (1) and set to contribute more than £217bn to the economy by 2020 (2). But, while an element of risk-taking is essential for some of these small businesses, many are taking chances with their insurance that could prove catastrophic.
The FCA's Thematic Review into the handling of insurance

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